How to Fix or Spruce Up Tired Tassels

Since we moved, I haven’t been feeling it. Decorating, sprucing up the house etc. etc. etc. I’ve kept things clean and picked up, but anything extra…ugh! I really hoped that with time, I’d feel differently, but it’s been a while. Since it didn’t seem to be changing, I went and asked for advice and the response I got was: “just force yourself to decorate and do your thing”. Everything inside me shriveled up like a salted slug and screamed “noooooooooo!” I didn’t want to. I wanted to feel the excitement and drive to do what I love.

I got up the next day and I did a couple of housey things and I thought “OK, maybe I can keep pushing myself.” The next day I did a few more things and I pulled out the throw pillows that had been stashed away, and plopped them on the couch that we finally settled on buying after 4 years of no couch. One of the pillows in particular looked so worn out and tired, but I still liked it. It’s a foundational throw pillow that goes with anything. I took a good look at the pillow and noticed the one thing that really made it look so incredibly sad: the tassels. They were uneven and frayed. I don’t know how, but it looked like a cat had been doing speed bag training with them.

I grabbed my favorite fabric scissors that cut like butter but absolutely obliterate my hands and gave the ends of the tassels a haircut. I literally just cut the ends off the tassels and trimmed off any strays. I gently rearranged each tassel strand so they were going in the same direction and I went from a down and out throw pillow, to a throw pillow that can give me a few more years. If your tassels are looking sad, give them a little trim to bring them back to life. If you’re tired and worn down, start by doing something small that you love and breathe a little life back into your tired soul.